Will you help?
Give BIG! is our annual fundraising initiative, held in partnership with the Parent Groups at each of the four school sites. Give BIG! proceeds are split five ways – with 1/5 of the proceeds disbursed to each of the sites’ Parent Groups, and 1/5 going to the St. Helena Public Schools Foundation. Give BIG! proceeds account for about half of the funds we have available for St. Helena Public Schools Foundation grants each year.
The Endowment Trust serves as our long term, more durable funding source for St. Helena Public Schools Foundation grants. Annual investment income from the Endowment Trust generally provides just under half of the funds available for grants each year.
The balance of our annual grant funding comes from generous donations earmarked for specific grant categories. If you are interested in endowing a specific grant or category, we’d love to hear from you.

Our Mission
The St. Helena Public Schools Foundation is a community-based nonprofit organization. Our mission is to promote academic excellence, champion innovation, and provide sustained financial support to our public schools. We offer teachers an opportunity to explore, innovate, and be creative. Our grants enhance the core curriculum and support imaginative programs in art, music, literature, science, math, language, and history.

Our Responsibility
Preparing young people for their futures with a quality education is a responsibility we all share. A well-educated community fosters good citizenship, strengthens the social fabric of our neighborhoods, and ensures the availability of capable graduates who go to work for our local businesses.
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